WordCamp San Francisco 2011 Volunteering

I do professional Volunteer Coordinating for organizations as a  PT job so I am always involved with volunteer opportunities. Here is a good one for all Bay Area WordPress users. This will be my 4th year volunteering for #WCSF WordPress WordCamp San Francisco, and they just put their form up for those who are interested.  I can’t image doing this a week and half before a 3 day event, yipes, I do not envy that person. 😯 . I emailed a pitch for the job of Volunteer Coordinator for #WCSF to Matt Mullenweg, but he did not get back to me! Gee maybe he is busy or something, lol. Anyway I wanted to get this up for those of you who would like to attend and help behind the scenes, which to me is always more fun then just being an attendee. […]

Video of saving a whale from fishermans net. Are whales intelligent like humans?

I went out to dinner with two of my friends, Elisa Southard, (author of “Break Through the Noise“) and Barbara Santos, (author of “Practice Aloha: Secrets to Living Life Hawaiian Style” ). We had a grand old time. We were celebrating Barbara’s birthday, (Happy Birthday Barb!), and Elisa asked us if we had seen the video of these people who work with the Great Whale Conservatory, saving a whale, and she emailed it to us. I got a kick out of the fact that as we were talking, Elisa could get on her Android phone  and email us a link, and look things up, like books we were discussing and other things in conversation. This is how modern life has evolved with technology today. The video is amazing and I just had to share it with you. It made me […]

Do you think twitter is dead?

Is Twitter dying or dead? Why Biz Stone the founder has left the company

Will twitter die? Is twitter dying? What do you think? Who is really using Twitter today? When Twitter started, I seriously thought it would never catch on, ( but I also thought DVD players would not replace VHS, so I definitely can miss the boat big time.) Now wherever you go, any conference, any “Internet Marketing” type of gathering, you are told to use twitter and other “social media”. I even signed up and have been using Tweetdeck, since Tee Morris taught a class with me at the San Francisco Writers Conference on Social Media. (Update: Tweetdeck was absorbed by Twitter and they run a different program and interface with it now). Another tool that many people use that is a paid option is Hootsuite, they do offer a limited free program as well. Part of my philosophy about working online […]

How to get a gravatar by Linda Lee WordPress Expert

What is a gravatar, and how do I get one? Video Directions too.

Many people ask me how to get a gravatar, or really they ask me this, ” How do I get one of those photos that will show up next to my name on other websites”? Many people do not even know what a gravatar is. A gravatar is an image you select , that is attached to whichever email you select, when you sign up for a gravatar here. https://en.gravatar.com/. This image to the left of me is a gravatar I custom created. I was just using my headshot, but I noticed many places I left a gravatar, left no way of knowing who I was or where I could found. I took one of my images and just added my business name on the image using a graphic program I use. A great place to create your own custom […]

Website Pre Planning Sheet

10 Ways to Make Your Website Sticky, CWC Berkeley Branch, May 15, 2011

May 15 2011 California Writers Club, Berkeley Branch “10 Ways to Make Your Website Sticky” How can you get readers to come back to your site again and again? How do you engage readers and encourage loyalty and comments? So you have a website or a blog, now what? How can people find you? What are they looking for? How do you build up regular readers or followers? What are some good ideas to promote yourself online? These are just a few of the topics Linda Lee will be discussing with us in her presentation. Discover some easy and fun ways that you can “build your tribe online” and keep your readers coming back for more.

WordPress help and questions answered

WordPress broke my site after I updated, why does it do that and what caused it?

    Dear Linda, My website broke after I updated WordPress! Why does that happen? How annoying.  Why is WordPress such a fuss budget?  My friend was just telling me all her photos stopped working on one of her sites (she has something that switches them up) they simply disappeared and she had to reload them all. Signed, Upset WordPress User Dear Upset, I am 95% sure it was not WordPress. It was one of your plugins. Many people think WordPress “runs” everything you use when you are working in WordPress, but they don’t. This can be confusing. Sometimes clients call me and say, ” I need to call WordPress, they need to fix this.” There is really no where you can call, it does not work like that. Here is why. WordPress is what is called an “Open Source […]

Email Marketing Programs. Why you need one to make money online.

Why do you need a professional email management program to make money and succeed online? I will tell you my story. When I started online in 1999, I hated spam, I hated email from” internet marketers”, and I resisted all advice to start building an email list. I got very annoyed at people sending me email trying to sell me things. As time went on, I watched people I knew whom I knew personally who had started online around the same time as I did start to make a lot of money, One of my mentors who had actually helped me learn how to build my first website using Xsite Pro is now an online guru, and multi-millionaire. He never spams people and when he sends me emails, I read them. Needless to say, I have had to rethink my […]

How to save time twitter and facebook.

How can I set up a strategic system or tweet plan where I am not creating more work for myself?

Kim Edwards is writing an article for the Independent Book Publishers Association, and she sent me some interview questions. One of the questions was: “How can I set up a strategic system or tweet plan where I am not creating more work for myself?”. This is a great question for me because I just recently started using twitterfeed. This is a tool that has greatly increased my traffic, (doubled it from the day I started using it!), and saved me so much time. If you are using Facebook and twitter and Linkedin and not using this tool, run don’t walk to sign up now. Did I mention it is FREE. I would pay to use this. It does take about 30 minutes to set up correctly. Well at least it took me that long because I felt a little confused […]

big oversize design website

Big and Glossy Website Design Trend

I have been designing websites now for 5 years. I still get many compliments on my primary website. I find this interesting because that site is not a WordPress website. I created it using Xsite Pro, a website building program that I really love but do not use nearly as  much. 80% of my business is now building WordPress websites. On my Askmepc-Webdesign site,  people tell me they like how easy it is to find what they are looking for. I am sure they find the traditional layout familiar. (Read my article on how people read a website here). I also always have build very “clean” and clear websites. I hate clutter online.  We have enough coming at us already to be overwhelmed by a website. There is trend now for oversized big glossy looking websites. Some of the things […]