WordPress help and questions answered

WordPress broke my site after I updated, why does it do that and what caused it?

    Dear Linda, My website broke after I updated WordPress! Why does that happen? How annoying.  Why is WordPress such a fuss budget?  My friend was just telling me all her photos stopped working on one of her sites (she has something that switches them up) they simply disappeared and she had to reload them all. Signed, Upset WordPress User Dear Upset, I am 95% sure it was not WordPress. It was one of your plugins. Many people think WordPress “runs” everything you use when you are working in WordPress, but they don’t. This can be confusing. Sometimes clients call me and say, ” I need to call WordPress, they need to fix this.” There is really no where you can call, it does not work like that. Here is why. WordPress is what is called an “Open Source […]