Failed social media companies, and google product graveyard. chronicling failed Google products and social media failures. Click here now to see the list.

Failed social media companies, and google product graveyard. chronicling failed Google products and social media failures. Click here now to see the list.
Fake Linkedin Email-Beware Every day I get new spam, and some of it can be dangerous.Today I got my first fake Linkedin email. When I clicked the button to check it out, I was taken to a poker website. That was actually lucky, because I could of opened a malware file or computer exploit. What spammers, hackers and other nefarious evil people do to get access to you and your computer is what is called “spoofing”. They take a legitimate email, like Linkedin, Paypal or banks, and copy all the graphics and then insert their own links into the email. It is quite simple to do and so easy to fall for. These fake Linkedin emails, fake Paypal emails and fake FedEx, UPS and more are becoming a daily occurrence. My advice? For the fake Linkedin emails, if you do not recognize the person who is […]