A lovely and uplifting one minute video tribute to Robin Williams. This is how I would like to remember Robin Williams.

Free resource, tips and tricks for working online.
A lovely and uplifting one minute video tribute to Robin Williams. This is how I would like to remember Robin Williams.
“All things are difficult before they are easy. “ Thomas Fuller I am not a person who writes anything personal on the web. I have always kept all my articles and contributions online as part of my business related work. Anyone who has worked with me or knows me, knows I go above the call of duty. I love helping people. I enjoy teaching and empowering people online. Recently I have hit the over 200 client mark and I guess what happens is called growing pains. The little personal website company has to start tightening up a bit and being a bit more picky with the work and not letting themselves get taken advantage of. I guess sometimes the cosmos send you a message. I had a new customer referred to me by someone in one of my training classes. […]
Web Terminology, Web Terms and Quick Glossary Web Terms and terminology can be confusing. Often when I work with people, they tell me they do not understand the web terms that I am talking about. This led me the realization that I needed to start building an online web terminology and definitions every-man type of dictionary that was easy to understand. When I looked at the other online dictionary websites offering web Terms and definitions , I still found many of their definitions hard to understand. So this the start of my dictionary, which is going to be part of my WordPress Paid Support membership website. I am building this now and launching in February 2013. Here a few of the most common Web Terms and Definitions which I am frequently asked about. Web Hosting In a general sense, “hosting” refers to “web site […]
I often get new business from very frustrated website owners who have basically been abandoned by the person or company they hired to help then with their website. Sometimes their websites are half finished on a test site and the person seems to have mysteriously disappeared or stopped answering their phone. Other larger companies who offer website design, farm out the work, and slap the site up, but give no help or direction to the poor website owner. Often the reason for this is they are not actually doing the work themselves. I recently had a client who came to me with that very situation. Their website was up, but it had no keywords, tags, or any kind of the most basic SEO done. The client was more than willing to do it themselves, but the company insisted she […]
Many people ask me how to get a gravatar, or really they ask me this, ” How do I get one of those photos that will show up next to my name on other websites”? Many people do not even know what a gravatar is. A gravatar is an image you select , that is attached to whichever email you select, when you sign up for a gravatar here. https://en.gravatar.com/. This image to the left of me is a gravatar I custom created. I was just using my headshot, but I noticed many places I left a gravatar, left no way of knowing who I was or where I could found. I took one of my images and just added my business name on the image using a graphic program I use. A great place to create your own custom […]