If any of you live in the area and want to learn about WordPress or brush up on your current skills. Join me at my WordPress Bootcamp tomorrow at Stanford. I am offering any CWC members a special deal. Just click here: http://wordpressbootcamp.net/welcome-cwc-writers-special-offer/ All others, please click here: Oct 13th, 2012-Stanford University, Ca For all you East Bay people join me Nov 10th at the beautiful Mills College Campus in Oakland. Class is from 9-12 with an Q&A session afterwards. Here is what we cover in our WordPress BootCamp. 1. Logging In Several ways to login, and how to get to the dashboard. 2. The Dashboard Part One Media, Links, Pages, Posts, Comments. 3. Themes and Menus Custom Themes, Upgrade, Use free themes, search themes by color or layout. 4. Custom Menu Section, Parent and Child Pages Explained How to […]

WordPress Website Set Up Webinar | Author Learning Center | Linda Lee
These days we know authors, (and most people ), need websites. But how exactly do you go about creating one? In this webinar Linda Lee will walk you through three steps to building a website based on the popular content management system, WordPress. This includes buying the domain name you want (the online address for your website), setting up hosting for the site and building it out, which can be done by installing the ever popular WordPress templates.