This article is from Bill Hartzer . He said everything I was going to say. Thank you Bill! Great article, visit his site for other good articles. I officially officially declare that all search engine submission services are now scams. If you receive an email from anyone claiming to offer search engine submission services or a similar submission service–it is spam and also a scam. In a recent Google Webmaster Forum thread, a Google representative officially stated: these services are not needed and can even be counter-productive Yes, search engine submission is officially dead–and officially a scam. Take a look at the UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email–spam) email that I received just recently, it looked like this: The email is offering “search engine submission services” and the service, which costs a hefty $75.00 per year provides “submission and search engine ranking for domain owners”. […]
Fruit Spam using Instagram-Beware of links
Fruit spam? Fruit spam. If you’ve been noticing a strange rise of fruit-related pictures in your Instagram feed today, don’t worry. Your friends haven’t become (even more) obsessed with taking pictures of their healthy meals. Well, you might want to worry a wee bit, because the pictures might be linked to a fruit-themed spam attack that’s slowly making its way around the popular photo-sharing service. It’s unclear just how said spammers are getting a hold of users’ login credentials, but the attack results in a number of pictures of fruit – of all things – being posted to a person’s Instagram account. The text accompanying the pictures also includes a Bitly hyperlink – clicked on more than 35,000 times as of this article’s writing – that takes users to a fake BBC page promoting weight-loss coffee. “Ever seen this stuff? I guess […]

Email Scams, Fake Email, How to check it video
Fake Email, Email Scams, Email Viruses. Every day I get some very bad and dangerous email in my inbox. I run so many websites and have about 10 business email addresses, so between all of those I get quite the variety of fraudulent email. I have been teaching about this since 1999. I am going to start documenting on this post the email I get when I see a new scam, and help others avoid getting a virus, or getting scammed. There is so much of it, I am just going to start with today’s inbox. Did you know there is a way you can look at your questionable email safely? I made a video on how to do that. Best viewed in full screen mode. Update 6/13 Fake “you have been tagged notifications” from Facebook. Beware of fake Facebook […]

Did your web design company or person leave you hanging?
I often get new business from very frustrated website owners who have basically been abandoned by the person or company they hired to help then with their website. Sometimes their websites are half finished on a test site and the person seems to have mysteriously disappeared or stopped answering their phone. Other larger companies who offer website design, farm out the work, and slap the site up, but give no help or direction to the poor website owner. Often the reason for this is they are not actually doing the work themselves. I recently had a client who came to me with that very situation. Their website was up, but it had no keywords, tags, or any kind of the most basic SEO done. The client was more than willing to do it themselves, but the company insisted she […]