Fake Email, Email Scams, Email Viruses. Every day I get some very bad and dangerous email in my inbox. I run so many websites and have about 10 business email addresses, so between all of those I get quite the variety of fraudulent email. I have been teaching about this since 1999. I am going to start documenting on this post the email I get when I see a new scam, and help others avoid getting a virus, or getting scammed. There is so much of it, I am just going to start with today’s inbox. Did you know there is a way you can look at your questionable email safely? I made a video on how to do that. Best viewed in full screen mode. Update 6/13 Fake “you have been tagged notifications” from Facebook. Beware of fake Facebook […]
How to get rid of and remove the Lizamoon virus fake “Windows Stability Center” virus
Fake Windows Stability Center Trojan. How to get rid of it. Virus security software calls itself “Windows Stability Center” LizaMoon SQL injection: To continue the story from a few days ago. My daughter was doing a search for her term paper, and when she did the google image search, this virus came up. This fake security software calls itself “Windows Stability Center” and is known as the LizaMoon SQL injection: Windows Stability Center Trojan. We killed the process and got out of the window, and thought all was well, since she never clicked anything or downloaded anything. Well she continued her research the next day and did a google image search again, and the message keeps popping up in Firefox, but not Internet Explorer. So I am not sure why that is happening other then she is finding many infected […]