How to block spam by country or ipHow to block an IP or Country on your website and on WordPress.

We all have been spammed by other countries. I am sure you have asked yourself, what do they get out of it exactly?
Honestly even with some research, I could not find a good answer. It is really very pointless because most of us delete it.
I am not sure what the big plan is for these people who leave these spam comments with spammy links. The video I made will show you how to block an IP and country in your web hosting with the cpanel.  I will show you a plugin for WordPress that blocks people by country. I have found that the bulk of my problems, spam wise, hacker wise and malicious intent wise come from Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Belgium.

It was nice to be able to block those countries. Also if you have a troll or mean person leaving mean or rude comments on your website, you can block just their IP! This means they will not have access to your website. So that is nice too.

The video is easier to see if you view it in full screen. For me the resolution takes a minute to sharpen after I make things full width.
Leave a comment if this helps you out. Real comments are always most welcome. 😛